Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Home Decor And Subway Art

Every artist that I know loves to paint and has a desire to see their work sell, or hang in a gallery. We want to see our artwork be enjoyed by someone other than ourselves in our studios.

Lets face it though, it isn't everyday that you sell a painting. I have sold some of my work, but I have sold a lot more of my work that many would class as a craft. I have sold a great number of custom ordered hand painted canoe paddles. Of late it is home, garden decor and what is known as subway art. It pays for the supplies and puts some money in the bank.

The paddles still allow the creativity of a piece of work on a canvas you name out there. To me this is still art, the "canvas" may not be traditional but it is still a canvas, it is a form of media that allows you to express yourself.
I also do other kinds of work, subway art, home and garden décor. Again it lets you use your talen in a different way.

They all allow creativity and allow you to help pay for supplies. Until next time have fun, let the creativity flow.

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